1. EFT Cheats Next EFT Pro

    Memory Aimbot: Adjusts weapon aim to directly target the enemy.
    Silent Aim: Manipulate Weapon Bullets without changing the player’s view.
    TriggerBot: Fires when the crosshair intersects with an enemy.
    Prediction: Accounts for enemy movement when aiming.
    Raytrace Support (Visible Check): Confirms if enemies are visible before aiming/firing.
    Smoothing: Smoothens aimbot movements to appear more natural.
    Target Bone Selection: Allows selection of specific enemy body parts to target.
    Max Distance: Limits targeting to enemies within a certain distance.
    FOV Circle: Shows the field of view in which aimbot will activate.
    Wallbang: Allows bullets to hit enemies through walls.
    Manipulation/Extended Lean: Enhances the ability to lean out from cover.
    Ricochet: Bullets can ricochet off surfaces to hit targets.


No Recoil: Removes weapon recoil.
No Spread: Eliminates bullet spread.
No Sway: Stops weapon sway when aiming.
No Weapon Malfunction: Prevents weapon malfunctions.
Fast Bullet: Increases bullet velocity.
Instant ADS: Instantly aim down sights.


Name: Displays the names of players and scavs.
Distance: Shows how far away players and scavs are.
Weapon: Displays the weapons carried by others.
Health Bar & Text: Shows health status.
Box (Cornered/Full): Draws a box around targets.
Skeleton: Outlines the skeleton of targets.
Visibility Checks: Indicates whether targets are visible.
Important Player ESP: Warns if known streamer/developer.
Player Data ESP: K/D, Level, Hours.
Chams: Highlights enemy players through textures with bright, customizable colors for easy identification.

LOOT ESP – EFT Cheats Next EFT Pro

Containers, Quest Items, Corpses: Identifies important loot types.
Normal Items: Lists nearby items.
Container Item List


Show Exfil Points: Marks extraction points.
Names & Distances: Displays names and distances to extraction points.


Setting Hotswap: Allows you to swap between different settings on hotkey press.
Multiple Search: Allows you to search multiple pockets at the same time.
Instant Search: Instantly Searches all pockets.
Debug Freecam: Allows you to move your camera around without moving your character.
Loot Through Walls: Enables looting through walls within <2.5m distance.
No Visor Effect: Removes visual effects from face shields.
Night Vision: Enhances visibility in the dark.
Thermal Vision: Lets you see through thermal goggles w/o having them.
Fast Stamina Regen: Speeds up stamina recovery.
Fast Mag Reloading: Increases reloading speed.
No Tremor: Prevents shaking effects.
No Slowdown: Removes movement penalties.
Shoot While Running: Allows firing while sprinting.
Speedhack: Increases movement speed.
High Jump: Allows higher jumps.
God Mode/Snake Mode: Makes you more difficult to shoot/hurt.
Crosshair TP: Teleports you to Crosshair within a specific distance.
Reveal/Drop Dogtag: Allows you to reveal and drop your dogtag so that other players won’t be able to loot you on death.


Players & Scavs: Displays nearby players and scavs on a radar.
Configurable Distance: Allows setting the radar’s range.
Visibility Checks: Radar checks if targets are visible.

More of EFT
RU-Terrabs EFT


Why Should I Buy From Eternal Products?

Eternal Products is better than most competitors for various reasons. All of us on the team started as buyers and have a great perspective on what the people want. We price match so are the most affordable sellers out in the market. We update our product status as soon as we are aware of updates so customers can view the status information before injecting. Overall you will just have a better experience buying from Eternal Products.

Are Your Products Safe?

There is always a risk of a ban even with an “Undetected” product because there is always a chance it can get detected during your play time, if you plan on using cheats we recommend you do not use an account you care about. But we will very actively update our status page so you can at all times know if something is safe to use or not. With cheats that haven’t been detected in a very long time, they will come with a description when last detection was.

Is It Instant Delivery?

Delivery is instant. The delivery can be found in your email and/or on the website. If you have trouble finding it, create a discord ticket.

Are There Refunds?

We have a strict EULA Policy (End User License Agreement). In short we reserve the right to deny any refund at any time. Since our services provide electronic, digital goods we do not offer refunds on used digital goods. You will not receive any refund for partial usage of the services provided, please make sure the subscription you are going to purchase is right for you. Any queries or arising issues that are not the customers fault can be resolved through the provided support systems.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept all payment methods,Stripe (debit and credit cards), Cashapp, All Crypto currencies.






  1. EFT Cheats Next EFT Pro

    Memory Aimbot: Adjusts weapon aim to directly target the enemy.
    Silent Aim: Manipulate Weapon Bullets without changing the player’s view.
    TriggerBot: Fires when the crosshair intersects with an enemy.
    Prediction: Accounts for enemy movement when aiming.
    Raytrace Support (Visible Check): Confirms if enemies are visible before aiming/firing.
    Smoothing: Smoothens aimbot movements to appear more natural.
    Target Bone Selection: Allows selection of specific enemy body parts to target.
    Max Distance: Limits targeting to enemies within a certain distance.
    FOV Circle: Shows the field of view in which aimbot will activate.
    Wallbang: Allows bullets to hit enemies through walls.
    Manipulation/Extended Lean: Enhances the ability to lean out from cover.
    Ricochet: Bullets can ricochet off surfaces to hit targets.


No Recoil: Removes weapon recoil.
No Spread: Eliminates bullet spread.
No Sway: Stops weapon sway when aiming.
No Weapon Malfunction: Prevents weapon malfunctions.
Fast Bullet: Increases bullet velocity.
Instant ADS: Instantly aim down sights.


Name: Displays the names of players and scavs.
Distance: Shows how far away players and scavs are.
Weapon: Displays the weapons carried by others.
Health Bar & Text: Shows health status.
Box (Cornered/Full): Draws a box around targets.
Skeleton: Outlines the skeleton of targets.
Visibility Checks: Indicates whether targets are visible.
Important Player ESP: Warns if known streamer/developer.
Player Data ESP: K/D, Level, Hours.
Chams: Highlights enemy players through textures with bright, customizable colors for easy identification.

LOOT ESP – EFT Cheats Next EFT Pro

Containers, Quest Items, Corpses: Identifies important loot types.
Normal Items: Lists nearby items.
Container Item List


Show Exfil Points: Marks extraction points.
Names & Distances: Displays names and distances to extraction points.


Setting Hotswap: Allows you to swap between different settings on hotkey press.
Multiple Search: Allows you to search multiple pockets at the same time.
Instant Search: Instantly Searches all pockets.
Debug Freecam: Allows you to move your camera around without moving your character.
Loot Through Walls: Enables looting through walls within <2.5m distance.
No Visor Effect: Removes visual effects from face shields.
Night Vision: Enhances visibility in the dark.
Thermal Vision: Lets you see through thermal goggles w/o having them.
Fast Stamina Regen: Speeds up stamina recovery.
Fast Mag Reloading: Increases reloading speed.
No Tremor: Prevents shaking effects.
No Slowdown: Removes movement penalties.
Shoot While Running: Allows firing while sprinting.
Speedhack: Increases movement speed.
High Jump: Allows higher jumps.
God Mode/Snake Mode: Makes you more difficult to shoot/hurt.
Crosshair TP: Teleports you to Crosshair within a specific distance.
Reveal/Drop Dogtag: Allows you to reveal and drop your dogtag so that other players won’t be able to loot you on death.


Players & Scavs: Displays nearby players and scavs on a radar.
Configurable Distance: Allows setting the radar’s range.
Visibility Checks: Radar checks if targets are visible.

More of EFT
RU-Terrabs EFT


Why Should I Buy From Eternal Products?

Eternal Products is better than most competitors for various reasons. All of us on the team started as buyers and have a great perspective on what the people want. We price match so are the most affordable sellers out in the market. We update our product status as soon as we are aware of updates so customers can view the status information before injecting. Overall you will just have a better experience buying from Eternal Products.

Are Your Products Safe?

There is always a risk of a ban even with an “Undetected” product because there is always a chance it can get detected during your play time, if you plan on using cheats we recommend you do not use an account you care about. But we will very actively update our status page so you can at all times know if something is safe to use or not. With cheats that haven’t been detected in a very long time, they will come with a description when last detection was.

Is It Instant Delivery?

Delivery is instant. The delivery can be found in your email and/or on the website. If you have trouble finding it, create a discord ticket.

Are There Refunds?

We have a strict EULA Policy (End User License Agreement). In short we reserve the right to deny any refund at any time. Since our services provide electronic, digital goods we do not offer refunds on used digital goods. You will not receive any refund for partial usage of the services provided, please make sure the subscription you are going to purchase is right for you. Any queries or arising issues that are not the customers fault can be resolved through the provided support systems.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept all payment methods,Stripe (debit and credit cards), Cashapp, All Crypto currencies.