- 4/5 Mouse Buttons Support 😋
- Bullet Tracers (Time, Intensive)
- Autoshoot (All / In FOV)
- Check Bullet TP
- Extended Mode (Low Performance)
- NPC Distance limit
- Randomize Recoil/Spread
- Prediction Dot Visualization
- Authlist To AutoTurret
- Vending Machine In World Esp
- Instant Last Code ( In codelock last code button works without animation)
- Auto Disarm Landmines
- Now in settings “Insert From Clipboard” adds a new Player
- Esp сhams will be colored in friend color for friends
- Сursor will now appear when the menu appears
- Indicators now animated
- Warning functions highlighted in separate colour
- Block Server Commands no longer crash
- AntiBarrier has been fixed on transports (Train, cargo)
September 20, 2023
Radiance Rust